Member Testimonials

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Back in Mar 2010 I was weighing about 186, couldn’t walk a mile, and was just going through the motion of life. I decided to go for a walk. After three months of this, of running 2 miles a day plus a DVD, I was bored. I decide the best step for me was to join LA Fitness. I joined the gym for the classes and to get away from the boredom . I instantly started seeing differences in me again. I even got myself a trainer, Brian Passafume. I wanted to step up my workouts. Probably the best decision I made this year. He has improved my running time, strength, and motivation. Now I am at 120 pounds. Almost 70 pounds lighter. I am also at 15% body fat, when I first started I was at 36% body fat. I have made some major changes in my life. Blood, sweat, and tears have gotten me to where I am at today. Now, I want to help others. I am currently working on my ACE cert and majoring in Sport Psychology. I know I am stronger than ever. Excited about the possibilities my life is bringing to me.
Tiffany P
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The testimonials on this site are based on the individual submitters’ own experiences with LA Fitness and its services. LA Fitness has not independently verified any of the statements made in the testimonials, and may have edited testimonials for grammar, clarity, or length. Submitters have not received nor been promised any compensation for their testimonials.